Mt. Roosevelt, Deadwood, SD
Mt. Roosevelt, Deadwood, SD

If you are heading from Spearfish to Deadwood, the first stop should be Mt. Roosevelt.  Perfect for kids and adults of all ages, and the view can’t be explained.  There are picnic tables all around so pack a lunch to enjoy.  A castle smack dab in the middle of the Black Hills, who knew?

This tower was built in 1919 by the sheriff at the time, Seth Bullock.  He built it as a dedication to his close friend, President Theodore Roosevelt.  Bullock was the first sheriff of Deadwood and was appointed by Roosevelt as a Forest Supervisor.  The two shared a love for the views in the Black Hills and this monument came to be so everyone visiting the area could share in these sights.  Bullock and Roosevelt played a very important role in many land conservation projects that now exist in the Black Hills including Mount Roosevelt, Wind cave National Park, Devils Tower, and the D. C. Booth Fish Hatchery in Spearfish, SD.

In 2010, many contributions were made to restore the tower, also known as the Friendship Tower, for public use.  Many efforts were made to keep the original rock masonry of the tower and reinforce the base.  There are now five picnic sites to use at Mt. Roosevelt.  Also, an outhouse facility exists for the public to use.

Mt. Roosevelt view, Deadwood, SD
Mt. Roosevelt view, Deadwood, SD

How do you find Mt. Roosevelt?

Take US Hwy 85, northbound, leaving Deadwood.  At about 1.5 five miles, turn onto FSR 133.  At approximately the 2 mile mark, you will see a sign for the Mount Roosevelt picnic area.  The trailhead and signing, as well as the bathroom area, are located here.

Also, this How To Enjoy The Black Hills is very helpful in directing you towards the tower.

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