Hiking Old Baldy is an activity that doesn’t happen as much as is should, in my opinion. Old Baldy Trail (Trail Number 66) is a marked trail in the northern Black Hills that often gets forgotten about. Did you know there is lake named Baldy Lake as well as a mountain named Old Baldy Mountain?

The Old Baldy Trail is a loop trail that is 5.7 miles in length. There is a 0.8 mile spur trail that will take you to Old Baldy summit. Baldy Lake and the spur trail are located roughly half way through the loop trail. If you take the east route around the loop traveling counter clockwise, the distance to the spur trial is about 2.1 miles. Baldy Lake is located only a short distance before reaching the spur trail. If hiking the west route, clockwise, it is about 3.6 miles to the spur trail.

The difficulty level of the trail is moderate throughout. The elevation change during the entire hike is no more than 300 feet. In hiking Old Baldy you will see aspen, birch, and ponderosa pine. If you hike to the summit of Old Baldy Mountain you will be able to view Crow Peak to the north, Ragged Top and Terry Peak to the east, and Cement Ridge Lookout to the west. The view from the top of the summit at all times of the year is beautiful! Also, throughout your hike you have chances of seeing deer, elk, wild turkeys, and all types of birds and the natural growth is numerous. Baldy Lake is a man-made lake that, unfortunately, often times doesn’t have any water in it.

The trailhead to Old Baldy Trail is located on Tinton Road or FSR 134. The route I take to get there is through Spearfish Canyon on Hwy 14 until you reach Savoy. At Savoy take FSR 222 for approximately 6 miles until you come to Tinton Road or FSR 134 and take a right, traveling north. Go about 1 mile and you will see signs for the trailhead on your left. The parking lot is a large dirt parking area. If traveling from Spearfish on FSR 134 you will travel about 13 miles until you reach the trailhead turnoff.

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I did the complete loop of Old Baldy trail yesterday. Nearing the trailhead on my return at 3:30 pm, I saw a large mountain lion on the trail below me about 50 ft. away! We stared at each other and I slowly raised my hiking poles avoce my head and banged them together until it departed. Too close for comfort!
Thanks for the share! I easily forget that animals like that are everywhere and can show up when you least expect it!