Simple and satisfying. Annie creek is located about three quarters of the way into Spearfish Canyon. This hike is easily a perfect hike for all ages. You will find the beginning of the trail at the road sign named Annie Creek. After walking about a mile into this road the trees part on the left hand side. All along the walk the green is amazing. At the bottom of the climb you will find a waterfall, not deep enough to swim under but perfect for cooling off. Your feet are going to get wet and if you bring only flip flops, you might have some problems.
This is one of the few hikes in the Black Hills that has a waterfall. The depth of the creek is not great, maybe six inches at most. It is possible to walk along the stream in either direction, though you won’t find any more falls that I’m aware of. You can also continue on Annie Creek Road though I have never ventured this way and am not sure what lies further on the road.
When hiking this trail you must climb over a ledge of rock. This rock has many areas that are covered in a vibrant green moss. The ledge is fairly steep and for this reason, I would consider this trail more of a difficult hike. There are also several cave-like indentations in the rocks, though not large enough to be considered actual caves.
Are you planning a hike to Annie Creek?
Annie Creek is a beautiful area in the Black Hills that not very many people know about. If you make a visit to this area please keep this in mind. Trek in what you trek out and respect the natural area around it. It’s lucky enough to be a hike that is still a very natural Black Hills area.
Hi, today my husband and I tried to find Annie Creek, but couldn’t find the road sign. We even went to Latchstring to ask locals and they never heard of it. We went on to hike Little Spearfish Trail. We want to do Annie Creek so could you be more specific of location? What mile marker is it near, is it before or after the kissing rocks or Cleopatra road sign? It sounds like a lovely trail and we’re always searching for new ones.
Thanks, Pat
Hi! So sorry this didn’t get a response sooner! There is a road named Annie Creek Road and the hike is after this road. It is past Latchstring, probably about 2 miles, if you were coming from Spearfish. I am not sure of the exact mile marker, but the next time I go through the canyon I will track it and let you know. Thanks for the visit!
Is the trail head at the end of Annie Creek Road? Or just when the road turns off 14? Thanks!
The trail head is actually about a mile into Annie Road, on the left. It is not a clear trail head, more just a break in the trees. The last time I was on the trail there was a fallen tree blocking the trail that couldn’t be missed. It was a huge tree that had to be climbed over.
This is a beautiful hike. I would not say that it is for any age though. Going down is like a slide and back up is a climb. Also I would suggest bringing a vehicle that would be able to go off roading. After the climb back up I don’t think you will want to walk back that 1 mile. We took a Jeep but there was a car that had made it there too.
We just did this hike over Memorial Day weekend. It’s wonderful. A beautiful spot that not many find. It feels very unspoiled down near the falls and creek. A few pointers:
– Annie Creek road is about 3.8 miles from Spearfish Canyon Lodge.
– We chose to leave our car down by the Canyon road. The creek road has many large, sharp rocks about fist sized. I didn’t want to risk a tire puncture.
– The trailhead is almost exactly a mile from the Canyon road. The trailhead is not marked, but easy to find. From the road you begin to descend immediately towards the creek.
– Half way down you have to scale down a sheer rock wall, not very high though. There are plenty of hand/foot holds to help. One person thoughtfully left a rope tied off at the top and dangling down to add to safety. Climbing back up is hand over hand.
– The whole hike from trailhead to falls is only about 100 yards, and well worth it.
Our small group loved this hike. Definitely a must if you are up for some adventure!