Looking for directions to Beaver Ridge Spur Trail? Take Higgins Gulch Road from Spearfish and travel southwest for approximately 5 miles. On the right hand side of the road you will eventually see a dirt parking area. This is the parking area for the Crow Peak Trail and the hike you are looking for is a spur trail a short distance into the Crow Peak hike.

This spur trail is only 0.5 miles one direction. The end of the spur comes to a very abrupt stop and it is easy to think you should continue on. The only way to tell that the spur ends, short of knowing the exact distance you have traveled, is an old weathered sign on a tree in which you can barely make out an end of trail notice.
Are you thinking about hiking Beaver Ridge Trail?
Once you branch onto the Beaver Ridge Spur, the trail is a fairly moderate hike. There are a few ups and downs, but the average hiker will have no problems. The initial 1.5 miles of the hike, which is the hike you must make on the Crow Peak Trail in order to get to the trailhead for this hike, contains a bit of an elevation gain. This entire hike can be classified as a moderate hike.

The trail is a dirt and rock trail. This trail is perfect for mountain biking, hiking, snow shoeing, and horses, though horses are rarely seen on the trail. In the Spring, you can expect to see numerous types of growth including, wildflowers (pasque), mosses, trees, poison ivy, and all things similar. The outdoor enthusiast won’t ever be disappointed.

So how do you get to Beaver Ridge Trail in South Dakota?
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