Looking for hiking in Spearfish Canyon? You have probably heard of Roughlock Falls, Devil’s Bathtub, and Community Cave, but have you ever heard of or hiked Little Spearfish Trail? This trail has similar terrain and wildlife to those just listed, but also contains unique features of its own.

How do you find Little Spearfish Trail?
The trailhead is found on FSR222, approximately 5 miles after you turn on to the forest service road from Savoy. Both Timon and Rod and Gun Campgrounds are located on FSR222 and the trailhead can easily be spotted next to the entrance to Timon Campground. Rimrock Trail and Little Spearfish Trail basically intersect at this trailhead.

This hike consists of a looped trail that is approximately 6 miles long. The trail difficulty throughout the hike is easy to moderate. A unique aspect of this hike is that it follows Little Spearfish Creek for a good stretch of the hike. It is also a very good trail to take young children on as long as they can handle the distance.

Ranger Draw is a section of the trail that lies on the east edge of the loop. You have a bit of a climb before you hit the draw. An abandoned root cellar and the foundation of an old ranger station can be seen in this part of the loop, though I have never personally been able to locate them.

The atmosphere on the trail is very similar to other trails in Spearfish Canyon. One unique quality to this trail is the location of a campground at it’s trailhead. If you have never camped in the Timon Campground, it is highly recommended. Easy access to this trail makes it a perfect daytime activity during your stay at the campground.