Lover’s Leap sits nestled comfortably within Custer State Park in South Dakota. This trail circles around the Galena Creek Canyon. There are offering of granite outcroppings and cliffs with incredible views of the Black Hills. The story behind the trail name is that two Native Americans leaped to their death from one of the stone cliffs.
Hikers will need a park pass to get to the trailhead because the trail is located within a state park. You will have the option of a weekly pass purchase or a longer, year long pass purchase. Keep in mind a purchase of the year pass will give you a reason to explore all of the trails in Custer State Park. Trails like Cathedral Spires, Black Elk Peak, and Sunday Gulch Trail will be accessible with this same park pass.
How do you find Lover’s Leap trailhead?

The trailhead can be found along US Highway 16A which runs through Custer State Park. The Peter Norbeck Education Center and State Game Lodge are close by and will offer guidance for the Lover’s Leap hike. There is an old schoolhouse in the area that has parking, and you will find the trailhead sign to get you started.
I would classify this trail as a moderate to difficult hike. Lover’s Leap runs in a loop pattern and is approximately 3.5 miles for the full loop. Hikers can easily approach the loop from either a clockwise or counter clockwise direction. The path is mostly made up of a rock and dirt packed combination. Like most other trails in Custer State Park, you will find yourself among Aspen and Ponderosa Pine trees. Wildflowers and insects are in great abundance, especially during the mild months of the summer. During the hike you will cross a creek bed several times. Depending on the rain fall totals during the year, the creek beds may or may not be running.