Did you know Lookout Mountain has access to its trails via a backside? Many people hike Lookout from the west side every year, but there is also a south entrance to the trails. The trail is visible from interstate 90 and accessing it is quite simple. From Sandstone Hills Drive, take a right onto Branding Iron Drive, then a quick left onto Pony Express Lane. There are only about 4 parking spots at the sign so carpool! Access to these trails for the residents that live in the Sandstone neighborhood is literally in their backyard, but anyone can find the entrance and parking quite easily.

What is the trail like when hiking Lookout’s Backside on Lookout Mountain?
To get to the top of Lookout, or what I’ve always considered the top, the trail is about 1.6 miles, quite a bit less than hiking from the front (West) side. The initial half mile or so is very vertical. Once you reach the trees the trail levels off and becomes a fairly reasonable hike. There is a cattle gate at the beginning and the trail itself is dirt and rocks. If you are a beginner hiker, Lookout Mountain is perfect for you. It will give you a challenge but nothing too discouraging. Continue reading “Lookout’s Backside – Lookout Mountain” <span class="meta-nav">→</span>